How this experience works
This experience is perfect for you if you have recently lost or gained weight, had surgery that has affected how you see yourself and how you dress, or if you are just fed up of wearing the same clothing that just doesn't feel or fit quite right.
Before the appointment I'll ask you for three images of you in dark, body hugging clothing; leggings and a tight vest or bra top work best. This will give me an idea of which body type you are. We are very often a combination of different types, so I will address your body as a unique beautiful shape, whatever it may be.
Prepare three outfits for the day. One you love, one you're not sure about and one that you've kept but never wear.
We will start with a chat and a brew, always! During our chat we will discuss your likes, loves and hates of your body.
Next we get into the analysis. There are two ways to do this, one with a tape measure and and another method where I use ribbons and a stick! If you don’t want to know your measurements but want to know your proportions the ribbon method is great. If you want to have a record of your measurements I'll use a tape measure. Simple. You can decide on the day which way will suit you best.
This is the fun bit. You try on each of your outfits and I will tell you why and how each one works or doesn't work for your body shape. I will give you styling tips on how to make them work for you, or advise on what would be more flattering for you.
I will give you specific advice on how to dress your body shape and why certain styles of clothing will suit you more than others.
This advice will help you to avoid clothes shopping hassle and disasters, plus, enable you to shop more confidently and quickly in the future. You'll avoid those styles that 'just aren't right', the one's you previously grabbed in-store or ordered online – from now on you'll have the knowledge to shop for styles that flatter your shape.
You will take away body shape information specific to you. I'll take photos of you in your outfits during the experience and I'll create a bespoke Style Sheet for you with the points we discussed. This will be a PDF that I will email to you within two working days.
This experience is a great present for someone near and dear. Contact me to order your Gift Vouchers.
*Within 30 minutes of Sale Moor. For longer journeys there will be an additional cost.